May 12, 2022
Music Tech Pioneers II : Digidesign : The Early Years !
Hosted by Vin Curigliano of AAVIM Technology, I am joined by guest
co-host Pete Brown of Microsoft and special guest Evan Brooks, who
is the Co-Founder of Digidesign.
We discuss Evans early history with computers, technology and
coding , and how that lead to co-founding Digidesign , the early
adventures which started with developing Drum Sound EPROMs to the
development of Sound Designer, Sound Tools and Pro Tools.
We take a deep dive into the various challenges and milestones
achieved navigating the limited technical capabilities of the
computer hardware of the day , and the evolutionary development of
the hardware and software as the capabilities of the available
technology was expanding and improving.
We also cover Evans current work on Jambe, an exciting new
innovative performance instrument product , discuss the current
technology landscape for both hardware and software developers, the
incredible power and opportunity available today compared to the
pioneering early days, and much, much more.
Host & Guest Links :
AAVIM Technology :
DAWbench :
Microsoft :
Pete Brown :
Jambe :
VO :
Andrew Peters :
Music Themes :
Original DAWbench VI Theme Music composed by Rob John : Independent
Music Productions :
DAWbench Radio Show ReMix by Erin McKimm :
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